Last weekend I was packing my bags for a weekend with a full agenda. As soon as the bags came out, Ace knew. I found myself on the floor packing in the family room trying to reason with my 2 year old why I have to leave and why people have to work. Ace is all about the Whys and every statement was followed with a Why? It was a sad departure at the airport with Ace shouting, "Mommy Ace go, Ace go on the airplane!" Ugh, my heart just crumbled, and its not going to get easier. I immediately tried to reassure myself in a few minutes he is going to be all about his bubble gum or Winnie the Pooh movie. I called Casey to make for more reassurance.
I headed out to Fleming, New Jersey to announce the opening of Diamond Nation. I am so excited about the partnership with Jack Cust Jr. and his family, and the staff! He has the Jack Cust Baseball Academy that started over 10 years ago. They are expanding now and building Diamond Nation, it will be one of the top baseball and softball complexes in the US. Along with the... drum roll please! Jennie Finch Softball Academy. How incredibly neat is that! Its hard to imagine. I am so humbled and excited to be able to hopefully have an impact in the Northeast, help the game grow, and train many young women in our game! There are so many great talented softballers in the Northeast with no place to play when the weather gets bad. Now, softball will not only be a season in the Northeast, it will be a year around event! There is also a dome set up for the winters! It is in the works under construction. We have many exciting things in store, lessons, clinics, tournaments, leagues, and even a travel organization!
Check it out at
From New Jersey I headed down south to Houston, Texas. I did a public signing there at a Card/Trade Show. These are always fun because you never know who you are going to meet. I got to meet many incredible fans and many baseball greats of the past and present. To name a few, Tony Gwynn, Craig Biggio, and more! I have to pinch myself to have the opportunity to sign my name and get paid doing so. I always chat with many of the people in the business, finding out who is nice, who is a bit nuts, and so forth. Hearing that athletes come to these shows and complain the whole time they are signing is absolutely mind boggling. Its even hard for me to grasp getting paid for an autograph. I am a bit torn when young girls especially show up knowing they paid to come. I realize though that without this card show paying my way and etc to get to the city and be there, I wouldn't be able to meet the people/young girls I do. Knowing this it makes it a bit easier, along with the many many hours we softball players have stayed after games signing, usually the last to leave the ball park. Don't get me wrong we are delighted to, we are just grateful to have the fans we do come watch us!
We are getting paid to write our name, people dream of this, its crazy how people are not grinning ear to ear while they sign. I sure am, gratefully signing each signature. Usually, I am the only female or there is very few, which make it even more special. So, if you ever come to a public signing you can't miss me, I am in the corner, perhaps the one girl, thanking all that come, and sporting a Colgate smile. Thank you again, to those who came!
Sunday night from Houston I flew up to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The good ole Midwest! I love it there, the people, the food, the pace of life, the corn fields, the cow smell, and more! I have mid western roots with my whole family except for me being born there. I am the lone Californian. Some of my greatest family memories are held there, touring the farms, hiding in the corn fields, sledding, snowmobiling, even oddly at the butcher beef jerky in hand, treasured memories with my grandparents! So much fun! When I landed it was 4 degrees! Unbelievable! We headed to Rochester, for the Rochester Amateur Sports Commission's Annual Dinner. It was a great event, honoring many local star athletes! It was great hearing their stories and seeing them proudly except their awards. I was the speaker for the night which makes me quite nervous. This one was different though, the community was so laid back, welcoming, and easy going. I enjoyed the night and meeting so many very sweet people. Thank you Rochester!
I am so grateful for the many opportunities that come my way, especially in this economy. My heart goes out to the many who are being laid off... its just horrible. I send my prayers out to all of them and their families.
I couldn't get home fast enough to my Ace's. Peeking in the car seeing his grinning face, its indescribable! Motherhood by far is the greatest of all!
We are gearing up for our camp this weekend in Southern California, we are accepting registration on Saturday. Please come out and join us. Details at under camps. We look forward to a great weekend!
Casey is itching to start spring training! It is coming fast! Its been ground hog day for him most of the off season, working out every morning for a good 4, 5, 6, hours a day! We are encouraged by the opportunity of being with the Rangers, and are looking forward to a great season!
Dreaming & Believing!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
You were super busy on the weekend but its always nice to know that you have something to look forward to when you go back home to your family. best of luck on all your endeavors!
Thanks for be appreciative for what God has blessed you with.
Also, you didn’t say how the phone call went after you left. A little father to father advice to Casey. Always tell her things are fine and that Ace is busy with some toy. Don’t overdue it but give mom a little ease of mind.
Hi you are a amazing person and whole world knows what you represent to your nation and for the softball, so could i make a wish? Please make softball camp in Brazil, me and my friends love you and the softball, we every weekend in a soccer camp. God bless you and your family. kisses
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