Here is a quick picture from our dinner celebrating 4 years.

We left the Montage and headed out to a local dive for some down home good ole' eggs, potatoes, and toast. This is definitely more us, for sure. Its fun to do the uppity thing every once in a while (like really once in a while) but we are more just laid back people. We both looked at eachother and grinned at how excited we were just to relax and grub, in our sweats I might add! Here is a photo of us, the real us! :)

We came home in a hurry to get home to Ace! We had a great day of just laying low enjoying each other together as a family. Ace is unbelievable, turning more into Casey by the minute. He was taking his socks off tonight and did it quite easily. He looked up at me and says, "And Ace didn't get frustrated." He is something else. Ace, my dad, and I were taking our usual walk tonight and he says, "Ace, can't keep up, Ace just can't"! Daily he is growing and his little innocent precious mind is a little sponge. There are tons of Whys over and over! He is trying to figure out and explore this world. He is so loving, today when my mom walked in the door he ran up with his arms spread wide rushing to wrap his arms around her. He has given my grandma's, his great-grandmas so much love! He is trying to figure out our names... hilarious. He asked me the other day why does grandpa call grandma, Bev? I said that is her name, and off we went with all our names. It is so fun! He put his foot in his shoe tonight and said, "mommy this is my left foot!" He is blowing us away! Oh, and completely potty trained too! Another big big moment for our little big boy Ace. He reminds us constantly, he is a Big Big Boy! Everyday is a new enjoyable experience!
Four years... Incredible, Amazing!
Dreaming & Always Believing!
Happy Anniversary!!! I love you two. And I am not the least surprised that you went to the local dive in your sweats while staying at the Montage. You are the most un-glamorous, glam person I know...but that's why I love you. :)
Congrats on your Anniversary! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
yesterday was the bandits banquet celebrating they're championship. i took lots of pictures and i've posted the link below if you'd like to see them. everyone looked so beautiful.
have a great day.
your freind,
Happy Anniversary Jennie!!! When I look at the two of you and listen to you speak of your hubby and your child..I feel the love just eminating from you and it is a joy to be around. I pray that you will both feel all of that love surround you when you are old and gray on your front porch rockers! :) much love! xoxo
Trisha :)
Happy Aniversary.
Enjoy the next 70+ years together.
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