Thanks for sharing your Halloween stories! Its fun to hear how your day was, along with family traditions and such. Please keep sharing!
We had a fun one. Ace ended up as a USA Basketball player. He was not having the idea of a costume, my hope was him seeing his cousins to maybe get him motivated to indulge in a costume. He was a baseball head guy for about a total of 2 minutes! My dad has this mask that is a baseball head, he wore it but it didn't last long. Then he moved onto or into a mask and cape which was an extra/spare from his cousins car. Maybe 4 minutes he was a super hero with of course his blankie which added more character to his super heroness! So before we headed out on our trick or treating adventure I rummaged through his suitcase looking for his USA Finch replica jersey, at least he could be a baseball/softball player, I was thinking in my head. As Casey was yelling, "NO" into the room, he read my mind! I then pulled out this little All-American basketball jersey set! Perfect! I found some high socks managed to put on, some shoes and we were out the door chasing bat man and a little chili pepper (his cousins)!
Not too creative but it did the trick! We scored lots of candy, a popcorn ball, an otter pop, playdoh, and even a king size bag of skittles from Grandma! We did it! Halloween ended on a sugar high!
We had a great but busy last week! Its nice to know that for a few days we are in one place. Last weekend I flew out to DC for a public signing. As I headed out of the hotel the driver handed me the flier for the event. There was Pete Rose, Cal Ripken Jr, and many many more hall of famers from baseball and football also attending the signing. I was in awe! How in the world did I get here? There was my picture along side Cal's. Just crazy, a softball player. I had a little bit of a moment, on the way there. My dad had looked up to and watched many of these guys! I looked up to them, now I am sitting beside them as people line up ever so long for our autographs. A softball player, little sister, dreaming of being a Dodger one day, just amazing. It brought tears to my eyes. Just thinking how far women in sport have come, thanks to the many before us. We had a great turn out. I had to pinch myself as I look to my right and then my left, as Pete Rose leaned over and sent me a wave! This is more than I possibly ever could of imagined, let alone dreamt of! The sky is truly the limit. Very empowering, overfilled with gratitude, humbling, and an incredible day. The Lord continues to amaze!
I was able to squeeze in a pitching demonstration and Q&A for about 25 girls a couple minutes from the signing. A sweet softball family owns it, it was a great indoor facility! I had a good time hanging out talking pitching and softball. It was a fun short but long trip!
Headed back to see Casey and Ace for a day I tried to soak in as much as possible of them. Then headed out to Indianapolis for a Play Ball Indiana Luncheon for RBI, Reviving Baseball in the Inner cities. I love social events and having the opportunity to interact with different people from all over. This program creates opportunity and gives kids the ability to play baseball and softball. They don't have to pay to play. They have games and tournaments, even an opportunity to go the championships! Quite fun! It was awesome to hear stories of how RBI has touched so many young boys and girls across the nation. I was the speaker for the luncheon... the not so fun part. I am getting a little better or used to it. To be honest, I still get nervous speaking in front of crowds, I guess its a good nervousness. I've got to the point where a few words are OK but still the key note speaking part, honestly it still makes my heart race. Its like I'm back at the Olympics trying to get those first pitch nerves out, and after usually that first pitch it goes away. This is a little different, it doesn't go away. I enjoy it in a weird way, its living out of my comfort zone. Its good to live outside your box every once in awhile, even if your heart does race. So I keep telling myself.
After the luncheon, I bagged up my stilettos and exchanged them for my cleats, pulled up my hair, and headed out to the field. My comfort zone. We put together a little clinic/demo/Q&A for RBI/Play Ball Indianapolis. We had a great group. We were a little rushed but it was great to get out on the field and share our passion and love for the game with the girls! It was a fun day, ending in comfort!
Thursday, I was able to sneak in dinner with a friend, her son, and her mom! Ace and my mom went too! It was such a great night! We were roommates in college, it felt like we were still living as Wildcats! It was fun to catch up, laugh, eat, shop, and let the boys play. These are the things I wish we could do more of.
Friday, I had a photo shoot with Gogie! Gogie is a hat company, dedicated to and for women. They are out of this world. Short billed, they carry petite, light weight, super cute styles, just right for us ladies. I'm so incredibly ecstatic, they are designing 3 maybe 4 "Finch" hats and headbands with my logo and all. I just received some prototypes, I was smiling from ear to ear. Absolutely awesome. We are so excited about the partnership, they are a great company and great to work with. We will hopefully have the hats online soon. For those of you going to Louisiana Camp you will have first dibs! They will be at in our gift shop this weekend!
We are relaxing enjoying family and one another. Ace is just too stinkin' adorable, full of it but adorable. I am having so much fun with him, his little personality is so goofy! I can't get enough!
We are so honored and excited to go the CMA's!!! Yes, the CMA's!!! We are huge country music fans and really stoked. I'm filled with that 12 year old excitement, just giddy! Anxiously awaiting so much talent, Nashville, the night, it all! I found a cute black dress, its sweetheart cut on top, on the shorter side, with ruffles on the skirt. I was able to borrow an incredible belt buckle from a family friend that I will be sporting with great pride. I will post a picture from the night, maybe a few. Casey is going to look gorgeous! Boots, suit, tall, dark, and of course handsome! Trace and his wife have so graciously invited Casey and I! I can't wait to tell you all about it!
Living a dreamy life no doubt about it!
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
I am so jealous!! I love Nashville. My best friend and I go there every year for our yearly weekend get away!
Last time we were there she was in the process of fertility procedures and while there we did the pregnancy test and it came back positive!! After that it was dicovered that her 10yr old nephew had cancer. 3 weeks later her mom had it as well! Her nephew is in remission, her mother passed away! Great woman she was!!
Anyway, sorry to mention that. Hope you both have a great time and have a blast in Nashville. TIVO is set for that night!
I really enjoy your stories of your life. Don't see much of that from "celebrities".
Always a fan,
Hey Jennie!
Oh man, I am so very jealous that you get to go to the CMA's! Just recently had my 18th birthday on November 7th. That would be an awesome little birthday present! Anyways, I hope you have fun and I will be watching for you! :)
I'm also getting ready to go on a college visit at Dakota Wesleyan University in Mitchell, South Dakota. Going there because they might give me some scholorship for softball. It might be a small school, but if someone wants to help pay for me to play the sport I love and go to college, I'm so game for that! Hope you had an excellant Halloween and have great memories in the holidays to come! :)
Have fun at the CMA's.
We'll be watching
Great to hear you got Ace dressed up as something. Sounds like Halloween was fun. You seem very busy but at least you're having fun with it. Have a fantastic time at the CMA' jealous. I'm still on a sugar high from Halloween. :D
Dear Jennie,
My 9 year old daughter has to do a project for school. This spring was her first season to play softball. She has a natural talent for the sport as a catcher and hitter. She even made the Allstar Team. For the project for school, she can choose any famous person she wants that she would consider her hero. She has chosen you. We were not able to find a lot of information about you on line. Some of the questions she has to answer are:
1. What do you care deeply about?
2. What do you feel strongly about?
3. What do you need most?
4. What do you give the most?
5. What to you fear the most?
6. What would you like to see happen the most?
I don't know if you normally answer questions like this through the internet. If not, I could give you the address to her school if you have the time to answer these types of questions. Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated.
I think this tried to post like four times...sorry!!!
Hey Jennie
Great post :) Glad to hear you found something for the CMA's!! I'm sure you'll look great! Be sure to post some pictures. Thanks for the nice things you said about RBI/Play ball...Again, it was awesome to have you here in Indy. And if you ever come here again/get stranded here by the will of God ;) sure to let me know! Take care, I'll continue to read and check your site. And you know, if you ever run out of catchers out there, and need somebody to catch for a clinic or let me know ;)
Hey and just in case-
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