I hope you all have a very safe and happy Halloween! We'll see if we can get Ace to dress up? Who knows? Its not looking to good as of now! He has the "Trick or Treat" down though!
First, I have to comment on being a "trouble maker," my inbox, voice mail, and text messaging has been blowing up with messages regarding the list that China came out with calling it the "troublemaker watch list." There were 9 of us on in from the US for the Olympics. The reason I believe for being on this list is because we are members of "Team Darfur." A great movement supporting human rights and a betterment of life! I think its a bit odd for it to be coming out now. Not much trouble was caused obviously. I wish my right arm could've caused a little more trouble on the playing field but that was it for us and trouble while we were in China.
Lots of frequent flier miles registering here.
Its been a crazy week! 2 trips to NY! The first was for Foot Locker's Sneakerball, supporting the Negro Scholarship Fund. It was a blast! Natasha Watley and I went, we had a great time! Yep, we sported our Mizuno's with our formal dresses! It was a bit odd feeling, and we sure got some looks heading out of the hotel! We had fun earlier in the day shopping, brunch, hair, & make up. We made the most out of our 20 hours in NYC. I even scored 2 auction items, a Nolan Ryan autographed picture for Casey (he's a big fan) and airline tickets! We laughed the night away in our sneaks, yes I had some pink in mine!

The next day I had the honor of dunking Hulk Hogan and Warren Sapp on Ellen. We had a blast, they were troopers. We helped Ellen raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness month. A great cause and one close to my heart. The guys were so fun, Warren was on cloud 9 dancing away! He says he absolutely loves it! The Hulk let me in on his days at the ball park! He actually pitched in the Little League World Series, bet you didn't know that. A fun fact!
I headed out to Chicago after the weekend for an appearance with Dermabond. It was a National Convention for Emergency Rescue & EMT's. I had a good time, meeting new people, in not quite the usual place for an appearance from a softballer. It was interesting to see all the vendors and mingle! The highlight was meeting a military Sgt, who was so very excited to see and hold the Olympic Medals. His reaction was really great! I was in awe of his badges and full of gratitude for his service.
Came back to LA to meet up with Ace and Casey for a couple of hours before heading out to NY. I attended an event for Weplay, an online social network. (You guys should check it out weplay.com its amazing!) I was in good company with investors, Summer Sanders & Shawn Alexander. It was a very cozy yet elegant evening.
I just got back from a short trip out to Tucson. Finally, I was able to swap out some clothes. My winter jacket was a hoodie and quite pathetic in NY! I was able to grab some boots, warmer clothes, and a few jackets! I attended the grand opening of a Cinemark Theatre in Oro Valley. It was a great event, the Theatre is beautiful, it was nice to be among the Arizona community and be home!
I hope you have a great Halloween!!! I would love to hear what you dressed up as!
Dream & Believe!
Hi Jenny,
It has been fun watching you on the Ellen show. I record the show so that I can watch it when I get home from Volleyball.
You are my inspiration. I too have been playing softball all my life, however, when I was in the 5th grade trying out for a senior team in my town, I was recruited instead for a baseball team! Now I have been playing both and have been the first girl in my town to pitch at the senior babe ruth level. I have continued to play softball, but am finding it hard to totally drop baseball, because the competition is so much better.
I am a freshman this year in high school and hope to make the varsity softball team. That is my goal, but because I was drafted #2 last year for baseball I still have to play for my baseball team. Do you think this will be hard to do? Switching between the 2 does mix up my swing a bit, but it is a fun challenge. Oh yeah, I am going to play on a tournament softball team this summer with older girls, so I hope to see some challenging play. That has been the problem in past years, the girls just can't catch my throws! I even had to go to PT to fix my shoulder up because I had to aim to the girls in such a different way that I got tendenitis in my shoulder.
I am hoping to see you this summer if you ever play against the Lowell Rip Tide.
Oh and also, you were too good for that Donald Trump.
See ya and hope you had a nice Halloween! :)
- E.E.D. #24
Hey Jennie.
I hope you were able to convince Ace to dress up. Trick-or-treat with my baby brother (who is now almost 8) is one of my most cherished memories of him. I make sure and have my mom text me pics of his halloween costume now that I'm in College and not able go out with him. It's always a huge bummer when I miss things like this but its life as I'm sure you know.
i hope you have a great week.
God Bless.
Kate <><
Love the family pic!! y'all are so beauitful!!
hope you had fun on halloween. I was a superhero(ya i made my own cape and everything)....i know im a dork. hope you get to hang out at home for a little while. :D
Hope you had a fun and relaxing Halloween. I want to thank you for the letter you sent me. I was the first one in my classroom to get back their letter from their famous or well deserving person. I was so excited!!!! I got to stand in front of the class and read your letter and show your picture. Now my classroom went from nobody knowing you to everybody. Can't wait to see you in December...........THANKS A MILLION, It does pay to Dream & Believe!!!!
Hi Jenny,
My name is Alisha and I am soooo excited about coming to your Sulphur camp! Me and my sister dressed up for Halloween. I dressed up as a gangster but most people thought I was Kid Rock.
age 10
Holy cow girl! slowwwwwwww down! lol...you sure have a busy schedule. And here people think this is your "off" season. Hope you get some time for rest and relaxation amongst all the things that you do. You've earned it.
and on that note..the LAST thing that you are is a "troublemaker". Seems almost humorous to choose you of all people for being on that list. But be proud of what you stand up for and believe in and speak out about. Brings to mind the saying.."Be who you are and say what you want because those who mind dont matter and those who matter don't mind" We love you just the way you are! I lost a close friend in the past few weeks and trust me, life is too short to worry about things that don't matter. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
LOVE the family photo! Beautiful!!! Take care of you and them..and be sure to give them an extra hug for me tonight. love you!
hey jennie tommrrow is celebrity day and im dressing up as you. im 15 but your a real hero of mine, i hope everyone likes it. if they did not know who you where they will after tommrrow.
-kelsea #7-
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