Last week I joined an incredible list of athletes and the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Assoc. for National Health through Fitness day. Our goal was to try to gain support for the Physical Education Bill. Thank you Mizuno for being so actively involved and allowing me to be a part of raising awareness for a great cause.
It was my 2nd time meeting with Congressmen & Women and Senators in our Capitol. The first time was with the Women's Sports Foundation trying to get support to keep Title IX alive. This time it was quite similar except the atmosphere was much more intense due to the state of the economy & health care.
Overall it was a huge success, we were able in the meetings state our concern for keeping Physical Education in Schools. I learned some pretty amazing facts preparing for our tour.
-Schools are now being built with out play grounds and gymnasiums
-1/3 of our country is Obese & another 1/3 is Overweight
-Kids are 3-4 times more likely to play sports if they are introduced to PE in school
-Kids test scores are higher when involved in sports
-It costs $746 dollars per 1,000 kids to participate in PE, around 75 cents a kid. A math book
averages $7 dollars a kid and some kids have a set of 2, 1 for home and 1 for school. Yet we
are cutting PE?
-For every $1 spent on PE the return is $3.20 long term (health bills & etc)
It is crucial we get our young kids active! I cannot express the importance of this. It is prevention, prevention of diabetes, obesity, self esteem, confidence, and so much more! We have to make it a point and invest in the future of this Country! So many skills from the classroom can be taught through PE, math, problem solving, and etc. We need to be creative and keep our kids moving! Kids aren't safe hanging in the neighborhood anymore, playing til the street lights come on. Most kids stay inside after school are on the computer or playing video games. Parents I want to encourage you to make it a point to join your kids and help them be active. Technology & Electronics have blessed us in so many ways but have cursed us in so many ways also. We have to unite and take a stand to help our kids, they are our future!
Trust me as a mom I know how TV and electronics simplify our lives and I too have to make a point to turn it off! So many times I find myself missing out on interacting with Ace because of electronics consuming him. We've been going on bike rides the last couple weeks and exploring the outdoors together, it has been so enjoyable! We love going to the playground too, meeting new people and playing outside. Let's all join in, get moving & get active!
It was so uplifting meeting so many in the Sporting Goods Industry and on Capitol Hill that are actively supporting this cause and trying to make a difference! I was honored to be a part of National Health Through Fitness Day! Let's all try to do our part and get our kids outside, active, and eating a more healthy balanced diet.
Dreaming & Believing in a brighter future!
Do Motherhood + Business Mix?
1 day ago
I agree, Jen.
But you know I'm a book nerd and I would opt for a better math book than a timed mile by Mr. Williams, our old PE teacher ;)
Jennie, I'm so glad they have you involved. You are a great voice for our youth! Great job with all your hard work.
Thats so cool that capital hill is getting involved. I am listening to a podcast of you right now and it's awsome! Your such an amazing player!!!! keep rocking and I can't wait till you play in florida!!! I wana meet you sooo bad!!! PLEASE COMMENT!! I would be soooooo happy to hear that you know I am alive!! U rock
Great job, Jennie!! I'm glad someone cares enough to actually do something about it! I was really informed on things I didn't know about our schools while readng this post. Thanks for posting about this!! Stay blessed!
I agree Jennie! I have 5 kids that I only allow one hour of TV a day. We have taken all electronic games (playstations) away during the nice weather. We noticed it made our kids agitated, angry, rambunctious, etc....
It's a shame that we cannot allow our kids to play outside in our OWN yards, even in our own driveways. I remember as a child we would be out until the street lights came on, drinking from the hose, riding our bikes all over the neighborhood, to the dime store, etc.....I miss that for my kids.
We have been taking walks as a family. Hubby and I need to someday get bikes for ourselves so we can ride with the kids....(maybe when we win the lottery lol). Thx Jennie for sharing with us!
I agree, Jennie, and thanks for speaking up on this. My kids are always doing something active like riding bikes or running around at the park. I insist that they get involved with something. It can be baseball, softball, karate, or soccer. As long as they are participating and also learning social skills that can't be learned in front of a computer.
As a future physical education teacher I am so happy to see some one like you behind us!
This is awesome Jennie!
I'm student teaching this coming fall and I am in fear that when I need to go out into the real world, that schools will not have "enough funding" to employ me as a PE teacher.
We are advocating like crazy up in Michigan =)
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