Everywhere you look around us and within us, we see compromise. We see that shady gray area and are being told Gray is okay. There are so many times in my life I have settled, I have compromised. I want to encourage and challenge us all to stand up for what is Right! I know I need to be more bold in many aspects of my life. It may not be the easy way but I believe the Lord will provide the strength and courage to not only get us through it but bless us in ways we cannot even imagine.
I received an email from a Sunday school teacher about a little girl who told on a classmate for having a hand gun at school. She was scared and not sure she did what was right. No way should this young girl have these feelings, if anything she is a hero and needs to be celebrated!
We as parents, leaders, and adults need to be the ones setting the example for our youth. If we as parents are lying, cheating, and slowly compromising, this is what we can expect from our children. I know I get this feeling in my gut, condemnation... I pray for the strength to do what is right in every situation, big or small. A lot of times we/I think it is okay to do in small situations or we/I try to justify our actions. Many times this is to get ahead in this life. I am reminded in
24Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.25If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.26And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?
I am so grateful for my parents and grandparents showing us & letting us know/see the difference between Right and Wrong, Clean and Unclean, Pure and Impure! Yes, we/I will fall short but we need to know there is a difference between Right & Wrong! I pray, I can and will pass this along to Ace & others. I pray Ace knows the difference and lives it. I pray for more of that gut feeling to know, along with the strength to stand! We as a society need more of this and less Shady Gray!
Do Motherhood + Business Mix?
1 day ago
From what I am understanding, every time an adult does something, a child is learning. We must teach them carefully. Our actions as adults can make a big difference between what younger children will do in the future. If anything, we shall teach them to do the right thing.
There are too many young ones falling through the cracks and they need help. I think it's the parents' and guardian's resonsiblities to set them in the right direction.
as a leader for high school girls in the church, this post was a great reminder of standing firm on what's right in all things and not wavering to "fit" the current circumstance. also it is a reminder that sugar coating the truth isn't helpful. sometimes the truth hurts and we need to hear it and speak it, even if we don't want to hurt someone's feelings.
So proud of you Jen...love you!
Great blog post. Really Encouraging!
Love you, Jen! You rock as always :) Hey, want to come speak at Catalyst West Coast?
I strongly agree with your post. I was brought up in the 60's and 70's. Life was so much simpler back then. The games we played were safe and played outdoors, not violent games on the computer or video games. The internet was supposed to be a tool for learning and research, but immoral people have turned it into a tool of evil where children can purchase almost anything, up to and including guns. I'm not saying all computer games and video games are bad. Some have an educational value to them. Some games will even challenge a child's mind. When I was growing up, my parents instilled in us a set of values that I follow to this very day. If we disobeyed or we were disrespectful, we were punished. Parents today are afraid to discipline their children. I can as yourself hope and pray that God sees us through. I myself have no children but have had the honor of my best friends and her husbands children. I babysat them from the day they were born and today they are 3 fine upstanding young adults. I was overwhelmed when I was told that I had a small hand in their up bringing.
I failed to mention one most important thing on my post. You are an amazing woman, wife, MOTHER and roll model. Many young girls are staying out of trouble because of your dedication and teachings to the sport of softball. As for your son Ace, he is an amazing child and will be an amazing young man with the teachings both you and Casey are instilling in him. Keep up the great work.
I failed to mention one most important thing on my post. You are an amazing woman, wife, MOTHER and roll model. Many young girls are staying out of trouble because of your dedication and teachings to the sport of softball. As for your son Ace, he is an amazing child and will be an amazing young man with the teachings both you and Casey are instilling in him. Keep up the great work.
So glad I found your blog, Jennie! :o)
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