I was watching Joyce Meyers the other night on TV and she totally spoke to my heart. She was talking about how we all have flaws and/or annoying bad habits. If we constantly are thinking about the negative in one another and we nag each other about it, how will we as people ever overcome our flaws. She challenged her audience/myself to build each other up from the positives we each possess! Find the good in one another, let's encourage and give each other the confidence to overcome our flaws. If we constantly are bringing each other down our world will only become darker. The belief in ourselves and in one another will allow us all to shine in our own individual way. Amen to this.
We as a society are always taking one another down, by hurtful words and even actions. If we constantly are focusing on the negative and the worst in one another our hearts will become hardened. And besides this only makes both parties more annoyed and/or bugged. This world is rough enough, we need to lift each other up and focus on the good we all possess. Letting our light shine and others! This is my prayer for my life and our world, lets build one another up and shine!
This was one of the hardest things about growing up, realizing everyone does have flaws. I can relate this to relationships too, the first few dates are always the best. Perfect! Then slowly our flaws are are brought to the surface. Even with marriage, if we are constantly thinking about the negatives in our spouse, this will dominate and take our marriage/life over. It's a choice we make daily, sometimes hourly. Are we going to see the good or the bad in one another? Let's shine together!
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).
Dream & Believe,
Do Motherhood + Business Mix?
10 hours ago
I blogged about this EXACT thing back in March. As a matter of fact, I challenged people to a silent mission. It's been fun to see how it has been playing out.
Check it out!
Jennie ... thanks for the reminder. Seems the easy road (tearing each other apart) can cloud what we KNOW God wants from us. I struggle with this with the women I work with. And it seems that women give it to one another even worse... why do we do that? I'm going to do my best to work on those relationships first and then pay attention to what God's doing through those changes in ME.
Thanks again -- and have a great 2010 with your Aces!!
You are exactly right Jennie and that is why you have made such a big difference in your life and to so many people. Here is something else to go along with yours that I thought would be nice to read as well. I love Joyce Meyers. Along with challenging us to lift each other up, we have to remember these six words....Each Day is a New Day.
It was very early in the day, but I was a little miffed. The feeling was left over from yesterday.You've had those days, something that happened still leaves you feeling upset, angry, hurt, or otherwise not feeling your best emotionally. Today was one of those days. I went back to bed to perhaps just rest and get my mind and spirit settled. Then I heard the voice. You know, "that voice." Call it what you will, but it's the voice that has always
guided your action and conscience to do the right thing. It spoke, "Each day is a new day."
I understood.
The stuff that happened yesterday was gone. It was over, but it
wasn't over in my mind. Yet I had been granted an entirely new
day. The old stuff was gone and only stayed alive in my mind.
Each day is a new day.
I let the thought sink into my spirit and I felt the negative
feelings begin to fade away and be replaced by peace. I then realized that I looked at everything new,at every person new. I understood the awesome power there was if we truly digested these six words. I also knew that I and you too needed to be reminded each day that today is a new day. Grasp these hallowed words and do not let the stuff of the
past ruin your present and future.
Each day is a new day.
May you continue to reach out and be guided by God's open arms and His loving hands.
jennie, you are awesome! i'm proud to call you my friend and I'm blessed you use your platform to openly share your convictions. You're my hero!
I LOVE Joyce Meyers and thoroughly love reading her books, listening to her speak. After all she is from Missouri, actually has a home about 25 mins from me lol...
I want to tell you thank you..I have a 17 yr old daughter who has played softball since she was 5 yrs old. She lives, breathes and dies the game. She has worked so hard to be the best she can be, not only on the field but off. Of course I think she is an excellent player but her MVP's, All Conference, All District, All Region, All State awards as well as her stats show it too.....but enough bragging about her lol.
Sometimes I think many professional athletes, etc don't realize the impact they have on our youth today. You personally,for as long as I can remember have inspired her. She has followed your blog for probably as long as you have had it. She would always say as a younger girl,"I want to be just like Jennie Finch." Posters, pics, articles adorned her room of you for many years.....As she has grown into the young woman she is now becoming it has changed to not only does she want to be like Jennie Finch, but she has added, on the field and off the field. The two of us talk about how important her sport is to her, but that someday that game will be gone for her, that after college (if she hopefully gets to play college ball) softball will probably be the end and other avenues in her life will begin. BUT its what you do during those in between times, times after softball is over and who you are. It's about who you are, how you treat others, the things you do in life that so many will remember about you. Not that you hit the winning 2 run homerun in the bottom of the 7th inning to win Districts. Our conversations often end up talking about something you mentioned on your blog and she goes from there discussing it all. We have spent so many hours talking about something that sparked her from reading your blog. She says, "While I know its highly, okay next to impossible to play at the level Jennie does, boy what a dream, I can dream right?" Thank you for keeping her dream alive...
Thank you for being "real." Thank you for sharing that its okay to be a hard working softball player who can not only love Jesus but discuss, share their love of Him. Thank you for showing her to reach for your dreams, to never give up. Thank you for keeping this blog.....you have inspired #15 (my daughter) to play hard, work hard, on and off the field.
A few years ago she had the priviledge of meeting Tariah (sp) Flowers, Lisa Fernandez,Natasha, Dot and many others during a PFX Tour here in Missouri. She got to sit right next to the dugout, got to talk to several of the women including Flowers, Fernandez...the two of those women in my book are awesome. They both spent a good 40 mins just chatting with her about the game, giving her pointers, telling her to keep believing, reach for her dreams etc.....So where am I going to? lol
As I ramble, I just want you to think for afew minutes about how much you have touched one young lady, how you may not even realize the impact your positive influences have so far away. Thank you seems so small but you my friend are a hero!
Thank you for sharing your life with everyone....You truly are what keeps her BELIEVING. Thank you
Oh my gosh, as tears over flow my eyes, Thank you! Thank you for your kind sweet words. My best to your #15! Thank you for encouraging her and supporting her. I wish you both all the best! A simple (which this is way more than "simple") Thank you goes a long way, straight to my heart!
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