Another week has passed! I can't believe its already the middle of March! Time is flying by so quickly! We had a good weekend, Ace spent some quality time with his
Grammie and Pops. Casey's parents came in for the weekend, we enjoyed having them here.

I headed out to Chicago on Friday for a quick trip.
Westminister Christian had me out, for a day filled of events. I spoke at an assembly at the school, the students were a lot of fun and a great group. Lots of great questions from the students here are a few.

Have you ever puked in a game? Yes, I wasn't feeling too hot. But felt much better after the fact.
When did I become a Christian? I was 8 years old in Pioneer Girls at Church
Have I met Michael Phelps? Yes, he is a great guy and an amazing athlete!
My favorite pitch? Strike 3, ;)
How hard do I throw? Top out at 71 average high 60's.
Favorite bible verse? Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."
How has faith helped me along the way? My faith gives me purpose and helps me keep things in perspective.
What has helped me stay grounded? My family, no doubt about it. They are my backbone! We are so grateful for both of our families! Casey and I both have amazing older siblings who are incredible people. We had them to look up to growing up and still!

After they held a mini clinic/demo. We had a great group, it was nice and intimate. The girls were eager to learn and fun to hang with! Its always enjoyable to talk about our game and share our passion and love for it with one another. I spoke at their annual dinner that night. I was able to meet some amazing parents and people. The Lord is at work, always! I met some special people from Judson University a Christian College in
Elgin, Illinois and the home of the Chicago Bandits! This is where we will be this summer playing ball. Go Bandits! I was able to visit the Bandits office, I have to admit it fired me up about this summer!

Casey is pitching away. We are enjoying watching him play. Its a bit of a stressful time for him. Spring Training is basically a try out, so everyday and every pitch counts. Casey has been so close the last few years, we are so proud of him. I can't imagine if our Olympic try out was 6 weeks long and we had to wait that long to see if we made it. Ugh, one big stomach ache
that's for sure. He is hanging in there and we are just here loving him along the way! We are blessed to know that the Lord has a plan and He will place us in the perfect spot! This is our prayer.

Ace is just being our Ace! He is just moving along. We kinda put preschool on the back burner. He is only 2 and for me selfishly it wasn't worth the heartache of it for him and I! Every morning he wakes up and tears up saying, "I don't want to go to preschool." So, I have come to the conclusion its not worth it right now. I am blessed to be able to be home with him and so very grateful enjoying my days with him. School will come way too soon anyways. Here are some pictures at the ball park, playing ball! I hope you are enjoying your spring and upcoming seasons!
Dream & Believe!
It's amazing to read what you write about Casey and Ace. All the pictures of Ace and your stories remind me of pitching with you at U of A summer softball camps up at Embarry-Riddle (spelled wrong I know)....Glad to see you're still having fun with the family. Miss you lots. Keep in touch. Stephanie
I thought he was a little young for pre-school;-)
I'm keeping my girls home as long as possible. They grow up too fast;-)
Hope you are enjoying Suprise;-)
How are you? I found your blog through Carrie's. Ace is getting so big! Time really flies. Hope all is well.
I can't believe how big Ace is getting! It is so fun to see pics of him :) My baby girl is coming in a couple weeks, I will post pics on our blog if you want to see! bajfamily.blogspot.com
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