Casey took us out on the boat, his little piece of heaven! This guy of mine could fish all day, all night, everyday! He is so excited about Ace getting to the age of being able to go fishing with him. I still have to be the mediator letting Casey know he would rather just play with the fish than keep catching them. For Casey when he's fishing its like he's in a BassMaster competition every time. (I don't even know if they call them that or where I got that from but it sounded good.) There is no, just a day out on the boat... I think/hope this will be the day every time. Never. But we did manage to have quite a bit of fun! The fish above was his first one of the day. Ace actually reeled it in too! It was pretty funny Casey shouting at Ace to "set the hook!". I have to let Casey know he has no idea what "set the hook" means, honey! He is 2! Casey has to fight back his game mode mentality... it is quite funny to see. Ace kept telling us how he caught a "big o bass," too cute!
Dream & Believe!
cute pics;-)
First of all, just want to say your son is so cute! :]
Second, I want to say I'm so excited for the softball season! I'll be rooting for the Chicago Bandits and am planning on going to watch a game when you guys come play in Philadelphia!
You really are a great inspiration!
Your little guy is so cute I love the first picture of the two of you, I don't know if he could get any cuter! Also the second one of him is gorgeous, I love his eyes in that one, they really pop out.
Cool story - looks like a great time!
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