I was watching Joyce Meyers the other night on TV and she totally spoke to my heart. She was talking about how we all have flaws and/or annoying bad habits. If we constantly are thinking about the negative in one another and we nag each other about it, how will we as people ever overcome our flaws. She challenged her audience/myself to build each other up from the positives we each possess! Find the good in one another, let's encourage and give each other the confidence to overcome our flaws. If we constantly are bringing each other down our world will only become darker. The belief in ourselves and in one another will allow us all to shine in our own individual way. Amen to this.
We as a society are always taking one another down, by hurtful words and even actions. If we constantly are focusing on the negative and the worst in one another our hearts will become hardened. And besides this only makes both parties more annoyed and/or bugged. This world is rough enough, we need to lift each other up and focus on the good we all possess. Letting our light shine and others! This is my prayer for my life and our world, lets build one another up and shine!
This was one of the hardest things about growing up, realizing everyone does have flaws. I can relate this to relationships too, the first few dates are always the best. Perfect! Then slowly our flaws are are brought to the surface. Even with marriage, if we are constantly thinking about the negatives in our spouse, this will dominate and take our marriage/life over. It's a choice we make daily, sometimes hourly. Are we going to see the good or the bad in one another? Let's shine together!
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).
Dream & Believe,
Unlock Explosive Growth: 3 Easy Questions
2 days ago