We are in Clearwater about to play 6 games in the next three days! Our Florida tour has been great so far, great weather, great training, great games! We are looking forward to playing lots in the next few days. Florida is beautiful so lush and so green. We are loving Clearwater being right on the beach with ocean views, it doesn't get any better than this! Bustos is soaking it all up on the balcony looking out at the water with a big grin. Its been an exciting trip getting to go to the Yankee's Game on Sunday (I skipped out for Casey's game but the team had fun) and having Terrell Owens stopping by our game last night. We are invited to go to see Tampa Bay play on Friday, we are looking forward to it! Lots of baseball going on around here!!! I love the spring and baseball is one of the many reasons why. We bused today from Hollywood to Clearwater making a pit stop at the IMG Academy. Our team had an appearance at the Academy and had a meet and greet with many local high schoolers. Its a pretty amazing place to say the least. Its resort living with everything you need for athletics, academics, and life for the athlete in training. We had a great time, plus it broke up the bus ride!
Well I better get going and get some R & R (rest & recovery) it doesn't come too often! :)
Dream & Believe!
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